Wednesday, March 31, 2010

In Loving Memory of Phillip Pae

Hey guys! im really sorry i haven't been updating hahaha. i didn't have internet in my room at school since winter break and my laptop is kinda being frustrating so i don't really have my own computer at home. im on my sisters right now! so praise God that i can still get on somehow haha. actually did you know u can surf the web on ps3?! i mean...i always saw the internet app but i didn't know it was like the WHOLE internet hahaha. so i can kinda do that too! but anywayssss...
So this past sunday night, my good friend phil pae passed away unfortunately. He's from my hyung's (older brother/friend) church in south jersey. chpc to be specific. i knew him for a few years because i played drums for their summer retreat. i knew phil was a really great kid from the beginning. and i really mean that. so basically what happend was andrew, phil's older brother, pastor paul, and phil were going home that night. pastor paul usually lets andrew drive sometimes ever since he got his license in january. while andrew was driving, he dozed off for a second and the car started to spin a little and andrew paniced and accelerated more. this caused the car to spin out pretty bad and hit a tree off the side of the road. andrew and paul were almost perfectly ok since they had their seatbelts on in the front of the car but phil's body was thrown out of the back window. He died on impact. I attended the viewing service yesterday night to say my goodbyes to my brother. He was only 17, a junior in high school.
He really really loved the Lord with all his heart. and i can say that with confidence. He loved everyone actually haha. He was just an all around great guy and the reason im telling you all of this is for a few reasons. one, he was just a high schooler. younger than some of us. and it goes to show that this kind of stuff can happen to anybody. haha im not trying to scare you guys but just really think about it. i really thought about how much i've given my life to the Lord so far in my life. of course there's always more time we can give to our God. So i challenge myself and all of you to do that. To give every last bit of energy to the Lord and His kingdom. Not because we might die tomorrow and we want a sure way to get into heaven, but because He deserves it. God deserves for us to live for Him. I never really knew what it was like for someone close to me to die but Jesus our Lord and Savior died. and he didn't just die. he died for US. for each and every one of us. that we can have a relationship with God because of that death. that even though we don't deserve it at all, Jesus' blood covers us so we can approach and get to know our God. and because of the most important death EVER, God deserves everything we have to be given to him. Phil did that and even though he's younger than i am, he really is an inspiration to me. Secondly, i realized just how precious the gift of salvation is. i could probably go on and on about salvation but the one aspect of it that i've come to be thankful for is the power it has to overcome some of the biggest things. Phil was saved (praise the Lord!). because he had salvation, we don't need to be sad for long! He is in paradise right now. resting with our Lord. and salvation is such a powerful gift that when we or our friends have it. we don't even have to fear DEATH! phil may be gone from this world but he surely is alive. that's really amazing to me. that even when someone dies, we don't have to worry. idk how else to say it right now but i hope and pray that you guys can see the gift of salvation as i do right now. hopefully it won't take what it took for me to get to this understanding. Life's too short to take our time and go at an easy pace. we need to get a little uncomfortable for God and RUN after Him.

For his anger lasts only a moment,
but his favor lasts a lifetime;
weeping may remain for a night,
but rejoicing comes in the morning.
Psalm 30:5
I'm gonna see phil in heaven so therefore i rejoice! you'll all see him too and i know you'll love him as well :)

rest in paradise brother. i'll miss you. we'll catch up later ;)

sorry if it's a little morbid. hahahah. God really works in mysterious ways. but He does work.
This is justin kim, and Jesus fulfills my life.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Iron Chef Competition Winners!

Dear JFML Fam,

I am proud to announce that WE HAVE WON THE IRON CHEF COMPETITION !! A shout out to VERISON and PHAMILLY for their awesome yummalicious dishes as well! It was a fun night and thanks to all those who helps out cooking/shopping & providing a place for us :) Here are some pictures from last night :

cooking at Andys! Dave is GLOWING

preparing the adobo sauce & skewers
Chicken Adobo Skewers

The Rice Ball Masters
Garlic Rice balls with Spam

Final Presentation! Ta daaa!

Team Filipino! Best stuff in the world!! mmm!

BONUS video clip!

Please join us THIS THURSDAY as we enjoy our FREE CHECKERS DINNER prize!!

See yall later! and have a GREAT week :)

My name is Sharon Suk , and JESUS fulfills my LIFE.

Thursday, March 25, 2010



This week was a rough week. I had so much to do. It is kind of crazy how like I'm so freaking lazy! I really hate the fact that I have been so lazy not wanting to do anything. I took my Organic Chemistry Exam Wednesday and I BOMBED it. Not bombed in a good way but like bombed as in i think i definitely failed it. Like I honestly don't know whats wrong with me. I have been in such a funk lately. Usually Spring Semester is my best semester between fall and spring, yet it seems the way things are going its a bad semester. It's so weird. Any who, it is very stressful to think that i did so horrible in this exam, but then it is my fault for not really studying. Like i have been so lazy in studying, i know that I'm not dumb, yet i still have the habit that i had in high school. In high school, my high school was too easy for me even though I took the higher classes, so i would purposely fail exams to make myself study, and i feel like i still do that. And it kind of pisses me off at the fact that i still have that habit. and it honestly is NOT good in college. But that exam was a wake up call to me, where now these next month or so until classes end, i am going to STUDY my butt off, and yes I WILL BE STUDYING COMPLETELY! I know everyone does not seem me as much now since i am MIA, i apologize, but i need to take myself away from distractions and such. I hope that you guys can pray for me, that I will not be so lazy anymore and that I will focus on studies and such... that would be amazingly awesome.

But in the good light of the week, I saw how much I am lacking God right now. I mean everything happens for a reason right? maybe this is something that's suppose to wake me up and make me realize that since I have been drifting away from him that's why I am in such a weird funk that has never happened before. But honestly God is so amazing, its crazy how I keep falling off the path, but then I really love the fact that GOD is always so forgiving, that he is willing to help anyone get back on the path. Honestly PRAISE THE LORD. he really is good! this whole fact of laziness made me realize how my relationship with God is similar to the way i am at school this semester. That funk i am in, honestly is due to the fact of my laziness and lack of effort and lack of doing anything. AND i still have a problem with not believing in myself. I need to trust myself believe in myself and be able to trust God, to make my paths open for me. this whole idea is scary, how trusting him can be so hard, because i never know how to trust. actually I do not know how to trust. WE NEEED TO TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL OUR HEART MIND AND SOUL!!!!

I ALSO JUST WANTED TO SAYYY GOOD JOB JIMMY & MELISSA <3 you guys did well today. I'm so proud of you guys hehe.



Tuesday, March 23, 2010



Took some pictures this weekend that i wanted to share with yall!

Jimmy's Birthday:

trick MAFIA game of "keep jimmy alive!"



FIVE GUYS employee card :)

brotherly loovvee :)

Sunday Lunch @ New Dehli:

on the yellow cheese bus to church!

The Brothers!

The Sisters!


thaaaats all folks! :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Power of Prayer

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

How are you all? I'm sad that the blog has not been updated in weeks! Have you all forgot about it? :( I'm also sad that I have not seen many of you recently.. it's been such a long time.. Plus we only have 5 or 6 more small groups till the end of this year.. :(

Maybe it's the rain, but im feeling kind of lifeless and exhausted today. What an ugly start to a week after the beautiful weekend that we just had! But if it weren't for these rainy days, we wouldn't be able to appreciate the sunny ones as much as we did right? :)

I just wanted to quickly update the blog and say THANK YOU to all of you that prayed for my family. Our family is doing MUCH better already and there is no doubt in my mind that it is through the power of PRAYER.

His answer to our prayers may not always be YES but sometimes it is no, or wait. When its not that immediate YES, we feel discouraged and afraid that maybe He is not listening. But Brothers & Sisters, He IS! and He will give you accordingly in His time what is BEST for you.

Be encouraged my family! Our God is ALIVE and WORKING for our GOOD. So NEVER lose sight of him, ALWAYS pray, and praise Him with every breath you take!!

I miss you all and hope to see you soon!

My name is Sharon Suk and through the thick & thin, Jesus Fulfills MY LIFE !

Monday, March 1, 2010

Prayers Please :)

Dear Family,

I'm hurting a lot. I cannot go into detail of exactly what I'm going through but it is about my parents back home in jersey. It's been this way ever since I could remember, but for them it's been 25 years now. I have been praying since I knew how to pray but God has not yet lifted it from our shoulders. God says that through suffering he builds character and brings us closer to Him and I do believe it to be true. However over 20 years of it makes it hard to remain faithful. Especially when you are sick spiritually and physically. I'm sorry for being vague but I still ask for your prayers for my family. That we will remain faithful to God and keep that heart to be able to BELIEVE that this suffering is for our good.

I'm so thankful I have you all in my life. God truly reminds me through you, that I have family of sisters and brothers I can rely on. Whether you know it or not, he has used each one of you to comfort me and bring smiles in the toughest times. Thank you for your love and prayers. If I don't get to see you before spring break, I hope you all have a great break! & try to update during the break since you'll have more time than you would during school!

I'll miss you all very much :)

Although I cannot comprehend this pain, because I believe that God loves me, I can confidently say that My name is Sharon Suk and Jesus Fulfills my life.

ps: read richards story below me! it's awesome :)