Thursday, January 28, 2010

Spring First JFML 8D

Today was the first day back for me at small group. It was nice to meet some new faces and to see the old faces of course. This day has been quite hectic for me. Actually this whole week was. My lab is so unorganized its frustrating to the max and tedious. Sometimes I wish I was not a science major. Of course I had some FML moments this week. With the fact that my lab I did wrong so I had to redo it even though I spent countless hours at tech on Tuesday night trying to finish it. But the good side of this week was, I was able to eat dinner/lunch with people. Today I ate dinner with Richard, it was the first time I actually had dinner with him. OF COURSE you have been avoiding it and not letting me buy, BUT THANKS for letting me buy this time 8D. It was a good experience. Always good to get to know people in the small group 8D. Anywho, I have a few prayer requests.... So as some of you know my relationship with girls are usually not that great. It always ends up taht a girl hates me for some odd reason and then its so dang uncomfortable. I am so uncomfortable. This week I heard from a friend that there are people well mostly girls that just dont like me, even though they barely had a chance to get to know me kind of thing. And all they do is judge me by my cover. I know everyone tells me to just ignore it, but it is something that "itches" me as Sharon would say. I don't like when people do not like me when they don't even know who I am exactly or even give me a chance. So I ask if you can pray for me, so that I will have the heart to pray for those girls that thrive after gossip and that I can someday forgive them for their actions. I also ask that you pray for me to be a better sister to everyone. I know for a fact that I am probably hard to get to know at first, I do still have that shield.

This whole week was an eye opener to me. The fact that JESUS DOES FULFILL MY LIFE and not FML at all. That whole incident with the girls and gossip and hating, Jesus went through all of that, people actually went out of the way to kill him and a lot of people did not like him. But in the end, JESUS still forgave them and prayed for everyone even though they hated them. Also even though my school work can be hectic, I realized that I should not push God and Jesus away from me, rather lean on them for help and guidance.

This is JENNYI <3, JESUS FULFILLS MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!



JFML said...

Jenny :)

Forgiveness for ones that hate you is one of the HARDEST things in the world. But its so encouraging to see that you can see JESUS is all of this pain & reflect upon how he did the same for us :)

You are such an awesome sister/baker(hehe) for us at JFML. NO DOUBT about that. Thanks so much for sharing & encouraging us to forgive our enemies as well.

- Sharon

Joyce said...

hmm Forgive is hard and hard and hard. It's even harder for people who you don't think merit forgiveness. But in our absolute humbleness, you can see the flipside of it all - how us, undeserving, unforgiving, sinful people were forgiven by a God, a God who had no faults, was completely blameless. How can we not turn around and forgive those around us, who have faulted us in some way.

Now, of course, I write this and to write this is so much easier than to actually do. of course. Because even as I write, of course, I have things that I need to forgive people for and be forgiven for. But that's the beauty of the Gospel.

You have girl friends, you have sisters in us and show them little by little. It's not going to be easy, but you have to start somewhere :) and we have your back through prayer and ect.

keep God in your heart and a humbleness there as well.

in HiM :)